On Sale But Is It Safe: Petmate Compass Kennel
Petsmart has their Petmate Compass Dog Carrier on sale today with a discount of $10 to $15 and free ship on any order over $49. Should pet parents take a pass on this item? (photo at link)

This item is a very basic dog kennel made of plastic material and with a thin wire-frame door. The upper and lower half of the shell appear to snap together for assembly. The shell has significant venting through many small openings cut into the plastic.
This one is fairly simple and any of our regular readers probably already know the answer. First, take a look at this part of the product description:
... the unique assembly of a Petmate Compass Kennel takes only seconds, representing an innovative solution for retailers and consumers. (Emphasis added.)
That this product is marketed to retailers, in addition to pet owners is the first sign there may be a problem. OK, perhaps they mean the doggie botique. Let's hope Petsmart is not marketing this product to puppy mills!
Second, larger problem. Is this a kennel or a carrier? If the former, it seems like a run of the mill, in home kennel. Without physical testing, IMPS could not attest to how well the door holds up to houdinis. The product is clearly well ventilated, but perhaps too much so as the vents on the bottom will also allow a cold draft to pass over a sleeping dog in the winter.
However, what is most worrisome is that the product lede refers to it as a carrier. Carrier implies "to carry" or in pet transport, to convey from point A to point B. This is not a safe crate for animal transport and should never be used in a car. There will be nothing much left of this crate after a crash. Even at low speed, IMPS worries that the door may not contain the pet, and worse, may injure the pet.
F as a pet carrier. Do not transport a pet in this type of crate. Though not without problems, pet parents can find much safer crates in the low $200 price range. Your pet's life is worth the extra money.
C at best as a kennel and pet parents should not purchase sight unseen. Check the door to be sure it will stay latched under stress.